Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The reality of using child soldiers

The military use of child soldiers takes three forms
  1. Becoming a child solider and fighting in war.
  2. Support roles such as messengers, spies or sexual slaves.
  3. Used as human shields or in propaganda.
Throughout history child slaves and soldiers have been used in many countries and cultures. Since the 1970's there have been many new campaigns to try and stop child soldiers being used, of course the use of child soldiers has not stopped completely but the numbers have gone down at a large rate.  But there is still many places where child soldiers are still used today and it's time try and help put a stop to that...
Children are often forced to become soldiers and to fight in war and are treated with no respect. The places in which child soldiers are used are often very poor and can not afford to pay adults to be soldiers, so they decide they can make a lot of money out of using child soldiers because you don't have to pay them. Most of girl child soldiers used are exposed to sexual use and harm.

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